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Summer 2024 Retreat in Barcelona
Summer 2024 Retreat in Barcelona
Manifestation Yoga Retreat at a Private Property on the Barcelona outskirts
21 Jul 2024, 14:00 – 28 Jul 2024, 11:00
Pineda de Mar,
Carrer Ramón Casas, 2, 08397 Pineda de Mar, Barcelona, Spain
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“I was only here for a week but this was a powerful experience. Alex and Harley are incredible instructors and people - they guide and help you with understanding life questions and questions you have about yourself. The two of them together complement each other well and are embracing, warm, genuine, and strong people and create an experience to help you grow in every sense - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.” 

- Alison, 25, Registered Nurse


"Alex and Harley helped me test my limits and inspired me to grow - not only in my yoga practice but also in the way I approach life. They are insightful, helpful, well-educated and organized throughout the entire week. I expected this week to be relaxing and restorative, and while it WAS those things, it was so much more. Because of them I have a greater sense of body awareness, improved posture and form in my yoga poses and I am feeling energized to carry what I learned here into my everyday life. The yoga lessons, manifestation workshops and guided meditations were life-changing for me and I'm so thankful for this experience. It surpassed all expectations."

- Mary, 28, Project Manager

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Costa Rica Gallery

Choose wisely.


I know you're going through your struggles in life, challenges that some people can't even imagine.
I routinely see students and clients who feel stuck, unclear, powerless, in at least one area of their lives.
My favourite thing is seeing these people break out of their prison cell and live a happy and healthy life on all levels.

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My Mission.

Alexandros Liatsos.


I believe that it’s everyone’s right and responsibility to lead a happy and healthy life.

My passion is working with people so they upgrade their lives on all levels. Through physical, emotional, and mental practices, my students and clients get the clarity and focus needed so they realise their goals and higher visions. Success is the natural outcome of the commitment brought by these individuals and the clarity bestowed by the practices.

I’m not going to ask of you that you touch your feet to your head, whatever ‘touching your feet to your head’ might be for you. I’m just going to suggest to you that you start entertaining the possibility. You’re a phenomenal being and you deserve a phenomenal life.

Home.: About


The journey of self-realisation.

I was following what seemed like a conventional path to becoming a Human Rights lawyer, with studies in England, France, and Belgium, and professional and volunteering work experience all around the world. Through Yoga, I found passion, was reminded of the meaning of life, and knew I had discovered a new platform and science through which I could be of service.

Now, with over a thousand hours of Yoga training and over a thousand additional hours of Yoga teaching under my belt, I promote a safe practice that applies ancient and modern traditions to my students' current realities, so they may impersonate the Health and Happiness that constitute their very right and responsibility by virtue of their birth.

Home.: Events

English, Spanish, and Greek

Yoga Classes.


This variety of daily hourish-long practices promote physical and mental wellbeing. The sessions involve physical yoga exercises, breathing exercises, and meditation exercises, and aim at achieving holistic health and unconditional happiness. Every body is welcome, no exceptions. Come as you are!


In person or Through video call

Private Sessions.

* 1-ON-1 YOGA: personalised physical and meditation practices with hands-on assists

* 90-DAY LIFE UPGRADE: 3-month package with personalised daily practices provided

* WHOLE-DAY COACHING: a morning-to-evening supervised routine that will reset your daily schedule according to your natural needs


At your Offices or Via Zoom

Corporate Yoga.

Breath and mobility sessions for employees of all ages and fitness levels to:
*Improve Physical and Mental Health
*Reduce Sick Leaves
*Decrease levels of Stress and Anxiety
*Uplift Mood and induce Positive Attitude
*Strengthen Focus and Clarity
*Build up Team Spirit and Faith in Common Goal
*Increase Productivity and Motivation for Work


Online (in English and in Greek)

Life-Upgrade Packages.

* 40-DAY MEDITATION INTENSIVE: Eliminate self-doubt so you may pursue your daily objectives, big and small, with clarity and confidence!

No prior Meditation experience necessary!


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“The workshops built strength in my yoga practice and in my journey in life. I came here with an open mind and left with a clear vision of my wants and dreams for my life. Alex's kind and thoughtful words helped me pinpoint and find who I really am. I learnt so much about our true Self and how to reach it through Yoga and Meditation. Plus, it was a blast!”

Sarah, 25, Lawyer

"Alex has a warm gentle soul. You feel relaxed in his presence. I am a beginner yogi. I learnt the correct form of the poses and I gained confidence of my strength and was able to do Crow Pose independently and Wheel Pose and Headstand with assist. It was thrilling."

Judy, 62, Registered Nurse

“I love yoga sessions with Alex. First, he is himself a great example of mindfulness, peacefulness, dedication and awareness. He is an inspiring character who spreads respect and kindness by the way he treats others. And second, he is a great teacher! So engaged and so supportive! Peacefully guiding, training and teaching us. With such a teacher you can actually make great progress and surprise yourself.”

Tina, 28, Economist

"Alexandros is a fantastic yoga teacher with a shining personality. I really liked his vinyasa flow and I am so grateful that thanks to his tailor-made practices I could eventually get into lotus pose and find some balance in asanas I had never tried before."

Gaelle, 27, University Administration

“Alex isn’t just the best yoga teacher I’ve ever had but one of the people I admire most in life. Not being in the same country as him anymore, I often think back to the feeling of calm and completeness his kind and playful voice created in me – and in all of us – during one of his first classes under the Bruges sky. When he says that the light in him recognises and cherishes the light in you, you truly feel his truth and warmth.
Doesn’t hurt that he’s extremely competent too!”

Lorine, 31, Lawyer

"I was so impressed at the depth of Alex's knowledge of yoga and meditation and his ability to explain this to his students. His guided meditations were amazing and left me feeling so relaxed! I found out a lot about myself and brought home new tools to add to my yoga and meditation practice."

Cathy, 56, Software Developer

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Carrer de Balmes

Barcelona, Spain

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